Child/Family Therapy

Your child’s anger is out of control.

He’s throwing the third tantrum this week, and you’re at your wit’s end!

All you did was ask him to pause his video game and finish his homework. Yet when he refused, you tried to reason with him – and he lost it. Again!

These fits of anger are becoming far too frequent. And you are at the end of your rope on what else to do. Nothing calms your child down until it seems like it’s too late and the damage has already occurred.

Screaming, throwing things, slamming doors… what has gotten into him recently? You threaten to take the video games away entirely if he doesn’t turn it around, and this only seems to escalate an already unmanageable scene.

Fear has a hold on your child.

She’s sobbing. But it’s not the usual crying that comes when someone is upset. They are tears of what seems like terror – it’s the only way you can describe it.

She refuses to get out of the car to go into her appointment, and her fear of leaving your side has increased since last school year. You are worried because she is missing out on so many opportunities.

She doesn’t have any friends she sees anymore, won’t get involved, and her grades have plummeted. What has happened to your beautiful little girl? You know this isn’t “normal.”

And you feel terrible because you don’t know what you did wrong to allow this to happen! You want to comfort her yet realize it is not good for her to continue isolating and pulling away from society. She seems gripped by fear.

Life is different since COVID.

Our world has grown increasingly complicated over the past few years, especially for our children.

COVID has affected their little lives and created such a burden on you, highlighting your limitations as a parent.

You got through the worst of it and created as much normalcy as possible. Yet what is normal anymore?

You are noticing things that just weren’t there before our world entered a devastating pandemic, and you don’t know what else to do.

Help ease your child’s struggles.

Here at Heritage of Hope Counseling, support for both you and your child are only a call away.

We have Licensed Therapists who specialize in working with children struggling with various issues, including the ones described above.

Our clinicians have specific training to support your family in learning new strategies to combat these issues, whether your child exhibits symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger outbursts, or relationship problems.

Learning how to regulate emotions is the starting point for the compassionate, supportive journey that you and your child will share with our therapists.

Our work is collaborative.

Because we believe that children are part of a bigger whole, it is important to us to always include the parents in their child’s care and therapeutic process.

A collaborative team approach is ideal when working with children. As a result, we incorporate parent feedback and periodic participation in our sessions and throughout the entire process.

Not only is it essential to keep the parents informed of the strategies discussed throughout the work with your child, but it empowers you as you support those strategies in the home environment.

Parents, we also will provide you with resources to continue to equip you in understanding your child’s age-appropriate expectations, developmental stages and changes, and how to navigate these together as a family.

We look forward to beginning our work with you and your child. Call today!