A Future of Hope

Transforming Past Hurts into Present Day Victories

In-Person Therapy in Montgomery and Bucks County
Online throughout Pennsylvania

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Voices are constantly raging.

The rain started pelting the windows. It was loud and distracting. Yet, it was fitting, somehow.

Typically, I like the rain. But now, well, it is just another noise filling my brain. The noise has been so loud and overpowering these days. I can’t think straight. I have to admit to myself, I am run down and exhausted.

Those darn voices. They show up with no invitation and just start taking over from morning till night, as though I have no choice in the matter. I hate not feeling like I have a choice.

The voices say I’m not good enough.

Not thin enough.

Not pretty enough.

Not smart enough.

Not strong enough.

Not spiritual enough.

I work hard to prove the voices wrong, of course, but that doesn’t mean they go anywhere. They just seem to multiply themselves with other voices. They hurt me. Deep. In my head, why do I always hurt myself? How can I escape long enough to overcome?





Such a vicious cycle. I should know better. Everyone thinks I’m doing fine. That’s what I present anyway. Yet my inner world shouts at me something vastly different.

And it has led to this…

Another fight with my spouse. Snapping at the kids. Crying at the drop of a hat. Irritable. Confused. No longer motivated.

My health is declining.

Energy – squat.

My appetite – all over the board.

Sleep eludes me many nights.

And where my schedule once was a breeze, now it seems to take it all out of me.

I worry I can’t juggle one more thing.

The balls seem to be dropping left and right.

When I take an honest look at this, I’m scared.

It’s not supposed to be this way.

The idea of isolation is the only thing that brings solace.

Even coping efforts are no longer helping.

So, I cope the best way I can.

Some days this means eating. A lot.

Other days, not eating at all.

Drinking a glass or two – or a bottle – before bed.

Far too many “clicks” with late-night scrolling and shopping sprees online.

It’s getting out of hand. It all just makes me feel worse. Ashamed.

I can’t expose this. What will people think?

I need help, but what do I do?

The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide.

– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

This is where we come in.

It’s okay. We know. We get it. You’re not where you want to be, by a longshot.

Yet… We mean it when we say, “It’s gonna be okay. You’ve come to the right place. Healing is meant to be yours. It CAN be accomplished, one step at a time, yet not alone. We are here to help you.”

In our work with you, we will gently, yet intentionally, get to the root of those raging thoughts and behaviors and decisions that don’t seem to represent the best version of you. We will invest time and attention in exploring your past in a safe space and creating a new present.

In this process of gentle exploration, your confusion, guilt, and shame will be replaced with clarity, peace, and hope. You will finally be able to change the course of your life with a strong foundation that will leave a healthy, lasting heritage. You’ll learn to love yourself. And we mean all of yourself, imperfections, quirks, and all. You were made unique for a reason. It’s time to discover why.

Will it take effort? Absolutely. But it will be worth every second. You’ll know this the moment you finally begin experiencing personal freedom again.

So, we invite you to call us. Reach out.

Let’s begin this important work together.

Your decision to invest in yourself will be matched with our commitment to provide a roadmap, keep you on course, and develop a blueprint for a future of which you can be proud.

Schedule a call

Hi, I’m Candis.

As founder of Heritage of Hope Counseling, I believe that each person is equipped with a specific set of unique strengths that serve as a source of direction in overcoming internal chaos and life challenges.

I utilize a strengths-based, person-centered approach to counseling and specifically tailor my work to each individual as we navigate toward improving your emotional health and mindset together.

Together, we will paint a more beautiful landscape, so the colors of your inner experience work together, rather than contrast. You will have a new story and renewed perspective that provides hope, strength, and growth.

My commitment is to come alongside you in a caring, compassionate, confidential environment to not only improve your overall well-being, but increase a sense of personal accomplishment and mastery over the specific issues you are facing.

The tools you glean will stand the test of time so that you can claim a strong life heritage of hope – for yourself.

More About Me

What We Offer


Individual Therapy
for Adults


Christian Counseling
for Women


Therapy for Teens


Child/Family Therapy



The time for you is now.

Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. But today.

That nudging that you feel? It’s time to give it the attention it deserves.

As you answer that inner calling, watch yourself rise and finally stake your claim.

For lasting inner peace. Growth. Freedom. Healing.

Call Today